dinsdag 8 maart 2011

Eat-In Forum & Leeuwenborch tomorrow!

Tomorrow (9th March) there will be Eat-in's in Leeuwenborch and Forum (at 12:00, in their canteens). Please come and join us with your food (friends and colleagues) and some extra plates so we can share a lunch together. A better lunch culture starts with the acknowledgement of the value of food and the value of a meal as a medium of sharing that food and companionship.

An up-date:
Meanwhile lots of things happened too. We talked to Annet de Haas and Annemarie de Vries of Facility Management who are interested in the Eat In’s because they express a concern which is important in their search for a new caterer. We learned that in their broad searching process, all options are open, meaning that they are open to partial contracts for specific canteens rather than only focussed on one big contract for all canteens. They go to different universities and other public canteens to see what others are doing. If you have any suggestions on good practices where they can get additional inspiration, let us know. However, as the ACT group also concluded, so far the university does not want to subsidize the future meals under the new contract(s) which hampers the possibilities to make it sustainable and affordable.

The ACT group finished their research and presented it at the Boerengroep meeting on catering at 23 of February where Annemarie de Vries was also present. We discussed various aspects of the current and potential future catering and the group present will be invited by Facility Management project group to brainstorm further. The ACT group also presented the results of their Local Eatery project at various other places and their report will be soon available online.

The current search for other and better catering options are greatly helped by the Eat Ins because they make visible that this concern is shared amongst many more people than those actively involved. 

See you,
Petra and Elizabeth

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