woensdag 23 februari 2011

CO2 labels made easy

Francesca Galmacci, visiting researcher at ENP, has made a short film about the use of CO2 labels as a way to inform consumers about the environmental impact of their food. She will present her work “Moving towards sustainable food consumption: the role of science-based art”on Wednesday 2nd March, 12:15 - 13:15 hours in the Mansholt room, Leeuwenborch.
You can view the short film on

Top 5 food trends for 2011

********TOP 5 TALKIN' FOODTRENDS 2011********

1. Food=punk:
Net als fashion schuift food steeds meer op richting ethiek. Van imago-ondersteuning naar handelswijze. Om tegelijk de rafelranden ervan op te zoeken. Precies zoals punks deden in de jaren zeventig. Als iets momenteel aan de hand is, dan wel dat food zijn eigen punkperiode beleeft. Met alle on the edge undergroundvarianten van dien. Anarchie in food als tegengif tegen de doorgeschoten voedselwetgeving.
2. Veggienista: Vegetarisme nieuwe stijl, nouveau-vegetarisme, gaat niet langer enkel om 'niets eten dat ademt' maar om de ganse planeet en zijn inwoners, hier en in de derde wereld. En daarmee is vegetarisch eindelijk volwassen geworden.
3. Sophistithee 2.0.: 2010 was onmiskenbaar het jaar van de (slow) koffie. In 2011 zet eindelijk ook thee de volgende stap. Verrassend genoeg mede dankzij koffiebaristi die via de slow coffee waardering krijgen voor de aardse smaak van thee! Ook in de nieuwe theesalons.
4. Community Dining Experiences: Hoe meer we online zijn met de hele wereld, hoe groter de behoefte onze buren weer te kennen. En hoe beter dan via het bord? Buurtinitiatieven waarbij oud, jong, nieuw- en oud-Nederlands elkaars offline tafelgenoten zijn. Met dank aan de feminisering van de maatschappij en ons eten.
5. Nouvelle Fusion: Een tendens die al eerder werd opgestart, maar in 2011 een extra slinger krijgt. Integratie en innovatie op het bord! Cross-overs Nieuwe Stijl.

Lees meer elders op deze site en in: What (not) to eat 2011, uitg. Talkin' Food®, ISBN 978-94-91086-01-4, 19,50 euro.

Source: http://www.talkinfood.nl/themas.php?id=337

donderdag 17 februari 2011

Another reason te eat organic food and cut/recycle plastic packaging!

PARIS — Tonnes of throw-away plastic and massive runoff from chemical fertilizer are choking the world’s oceans, the UN’s environmental watchdog warned on Thursday.

Taken together, the two sources of pollution threaten biodiversity, harm water quality, poison fish stocks and undermine coastal tourism, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) said in its annual Year Book report... Only better waste management and a coordinated shift towards cleaner engines of economic growth can insure the future health of the planet’s aquatic commons...
“The phosphorus fertilizer and marine plastic stories bring into sharp focus the urgent need ... to catalyze a global transition to a resource-efficient Green Economy,” UNEP executive director Achim Steiner said.
Recent research suggests that both problems are more widespread — and deleterious — than one thought. In the United States alone, for example, the costs associated with phosphorus pollution are estimated at more than two billion dollars a year, with the global tally in the tens of billions. Some three dozen countries mine the phosphate rock found in growth-enhancing fertilizers. While a finite resource, supplies are not about to run out — at current production rates, supplies will last an estimated 300 to 400 years.
Use of chemical-based fertilizers increased worldwide by 600 percent during the second half of the 20th century, but precisely how much flows into the environment is not known...
....a new concern is microplastics, tiny particles smaller that five millimetres in length discharged as pellets by industry or broken down by waves and sunlight...
Just how much plastic has been discarded into the sea in unknown, but consumption of plastic products continues to rise worldwide.

vrijdag 11 februari 2011

Did you know that...

- Catering within Dutch higher education is less subsidised than catering services used in government authorities, businesses and health care institutions.

- Research shows that Dutch contract lenders and end-users are not very satisfied with contract catering food services. Especially universities and HBO 's show a relatively low level of satisfaction.

- Contract-lenders say that caterers need to take more initiative, be more innovative, but caterers say they do not get enough opportunity to do so because of the rules connected to contractual agreements.

- Good catering can contribute to the success of an educational institution; research shows that the quality of facilities (especially food) is important for students.

- Canteens are places where knowledge is shared and where social interaction takes place and this contributes to increasing the time spent within a space/building.

- Thus, canteens can contribute to improving the multifunctionality of spaces/buldings i.e. used for studying, meeting friends and eating, and can contribute to improving the studying habtis of students.

(Source: Damen and van der Meer, 2010 in Misset Catering, December 2010)

donderdag 10 februari 2011

Forum Eat-in March 9th!

Good news: ISOW is planning to have another eat-in in Forum on the 9th of March! Their least Eat-in was a great success, so don't miss the fun! Please check http://www.isow.wur.nl/ for more information.
So don't miss the chance to show you care about your lunch!
See some pictures from the last Forum Eat-in:
(For more pictures check http://www.isow.wur.nl/index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=category&id=13:eatin&Itemid=69 )

woensdag 2 februari 2011


The current catering contract will end next year and so WUR has started preparations for a new tender for all its canteen facilities in the Netherlands. A new catering ‘vision’ is currently being prepared before the publishing of the tender. This is a window of opportunity to start a dialogue on how the catering services can be improved in terms of cultural diversity, healthiness and sustaianbility. We have invited the head of business management of the social sciences for the next Eat-in on the 9th of March. We also have meetings planned with WUR facility manangers, as well as the head of facility management and the student council. The latter are involed in setting up a user-committee, consisting of staff and students, who are involed in the process of creating a new catering vision.

Tonight a wide  range of student organisations, engaged staff members and local producers will meet at Lawickse Allee 13 to brainstorm about our vision for sustainable catering. The meeting is organised by the Boerengroep. If you want to join tonight please send an email to st.boerengroep@wur.nl

dinsdag 1 februari 2011

Eat-in at Forum 26 Jan

As the Eat-in was going on in the Leeuwenborch, ISOW got a group of people
together at the Forum. Various people joined who had heard that an Eat-in
would take place. Everyone brought nice food and two guys even thought of a mini frying set to make some fried eggs. Very creative!